PART FOUR The Search For Donna Just when you thought it was all over and you had the crown, the train gets held up by a group of Russian radicals working for Doctor Virago, who have stopped the train to steal the coffin that RJ bought from the Kremlin. They have also stopped the train, under orders from the Doctor, to kidnap a young virgin! Donna is taken hostage. Now the boys, Doug and Dino, must rescue the fair maiden. First find the path to the bridge and start to give chase. After tramping for many a mile, you will find the path to the bridge. Follow this bridge over to the village after getting Dino and Doug to clear the boulders from the side and throw them into the water to allow safe passage over the icy river. Cross the river and head into the village, which is a gloomy place where time seems to have stood still. The villagers appear wary of our strange heroes. Walk through the town and take control of Doug. Pick up the lantern and the icicles hanging from the small blue building spotting that Zelda's caravan is in this village. Go into the caravan and talk to Zelda. She tells you that Donna is in mortal danger so if you want to save her then you must follow Zelda's instructions. She will tell you that the only way to get into the house is by magic but, alas, Zelda has been robbed of her potions. Zelda will then give you a list of things to get for her in order to make up a fresh batch of potions and help you to rescue Donna. The list is: Dead Man's Bones Bat's Wings Lion's Tooth Sunflower Seeds Start off by heading into the graveyard next door and pick up the bottle and the bones. Combine the lantern and the bottle to make a superb whisky and give it to the gravedigger. Now talk to him about Doctor Virago and he will tell you of a madman who lives in a villa in the woods. They say that the madman can raise the dead, which sounds like Doctor Virago all right! Return to the village square and walk to the right of the screen until you come across a wooden shack with a drainpipe on the side. Get Dino to pick up the drainpipe and then change back to Doug. Head into the little square next to the shack and pick up the tarpaulin covering the pile of wood. Now change to Dino again and select your music box and play it to the old man sitting on the side. The old man will say that the music reminds him of his childhood and will fall asleep. Once he's asleep, take the spectacles from his face and then turn your attention to the tower next to the man. Combine the spectacles and the drainpipe making a pair of binoculars then select the icicles and use them on the church tower to make a ladder. Now pick up the stone found at the base of the tower and proceed to climb up the tower. At the belfry select the stone and use it on the bell. This will create a loud tone, waking the bats inside the bell tower. Capture a bat by getting Dino to use the tarpaulin as a net; this is another item on Zelda's list. While you're up the tower, tell Dino to select the binoculars. He will then be able to see the Doctor's villa in the middle of the woods, North of the village. Climb down the tower and head out into the woods. Once in the woods, herad to the villa and walk around the woods until you come across a squirrel's hole, where you will find the sunflower seeds. Once you find the villa, pick up the lion's tooth (you will have to be pixel-perfect when locating it on the left hand lion's mouth) and head back to Zelda to deliver the goods. When you arrive back at the caravan, give the items to Zelda in the following order: Sunflower Seeds Bat Lion's Tooth Bones Zelda will then exit and make up the potion, returning to tell you not to drink it until you are at the villa gates. Proceed to the villa now and, on arrival, make Doug drink the potion, turning him into a bat. Once inside the villa, take control of Donna once again. Inside The Villa Donna is meeting her kidnapper, Doctor Virago. The mad doc has his eye on our Donna as a perfect specimen for his great experiment! Talk to the doctor and he will get upset and slam the door behind him. Now it's time for Donna to help herself in preparation for Doug's arrival. Pick up the perfume bottle and open the pillow so that the stuffing comes out. Now pick up one of the feathers and look at the ceiling. You will notice that there is a trapdoor in the ceiling above the bed. Go through the door to arrive in another room. You will now be in a dusty attic room with many unusual objects scattered around. Pick up the record, magpie and bottle of chloroform. Combine the chloroform and the perfume bottle and go back down into your room. Now select the perfume bottle with it's new concoction and use it on the guard outside the door. Now walk down the stairs and enter the room containing the bowl of fruit, located under the stairs. Try to pick up the bust on the right and Donna will drop it. Now pick up one of the broken pieces and find that it's made out of plaster. Pick up the bowl of fruit and the vase. Enter the lounge and go into the doctor's study, located over the other side of the passage. Go straight over to the skeleton and look into it's eyes to discover a key. Add it to your inventory. Now look inside the big clock to the left and pick up the iron filings inside. Combine the record and the filings, breaking the record into little bits. Next, select the key and use it to open the cabinet on the right hand side of the study. Pick up the jar of bat wings and take the books on the table and shelves. Read them and then pick up the pen on the desk. One of the books will tell you how to create electrostatic and the other book will be the doctor's diary, with an entry about the Book Of The Dead. There are also strange spells written down and then the diary goes on to describe an experiment that succeeded in bringing back a subject from the dead! Go over to the desk beside the ashtray made out of a skull. Put the bat wings, fruit and feather in it. Something forms in the ashtray - could this be beginner's luck finding a potion to bring the dead back to life? Use the fountain pen in the ashtray to stir the mixture. Head back into the lounge and make your way back upstairs to the room where you were held captive. Go into the attic, use the plaster on the floor to make a circle in which Intel Outside appears! Now combine the fountain pen and the bird and the colour of it's eyes changes. Put the bird inside the circle and use the broken record on the gramophone player. A strange power comes from the gramophone and enters the dead bird, bringing it to life! Go into the bedroom and the magpie follows you. Make your way outside the room and along to the doctor's bedroom which is situated next door. At this point talk to the bird and he will fly into the bedroom, past the sleeping doctor to get a set of keys. Return to your bedroom and use the keys on the window to open it, then throw the plant pot out. This lands on the guard's head and knocks him out. Donna can now simply walk down the stairs, open the front door using the key and escape from the villa. Donna will unfortunately be captured by a second guard at the door - oh no! not again!! The action now shifts to the doctor's study where he is talking to his assistant, Igor. He will ask Igor to get some bat wings and he will go off to look for some and catch one hovering around the villa. Could it be our Doug? Meanwhile, in the basement, Doctor Virago is about to carry out his fiendish plot. A lifeless figure is chained up to the strange device. It's none other than Lenin, the Grandfather of Communism! What terrible fate awaits poor Donna? Well for a start, the doctor is insisting that Donna takes her clothes off! Once Donna is in position, the doctor can now reach for the bat that Igor captured. As he does this, it turns into Doug, but what can our hero do? Well, not a lot as Doug lunges to the machine to save Donna he activates it and Lenin is reborn! Don't worry, though. The old Commie has a change of heart and immediately signs a contract to become the new presenter of The Russian Doll Show on KGB TV. Capitalism isn't that bad when you have money to burn - after all, it's what makes the world go round! But what of our three heroes, Doug, Donna and Dino? Well, all's well that ends well as they are now safely on their way to a new adventure in a warmer place!! |